Felix Jackson’s street style: Autumn is for lots of layers, pockets and every shade of brown

By Hannah Mahon
Photography by Felix Jackson

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Check out Felix’s top
Summer looks here.

As we say goodbye to our summer wardrobe, photographer Felix Jackson, shows us why we should be excited to bring out our cosy jackets.

Felix wants everyone to see how cool Wellington is. “There’s an atmosphere here that street fashion lives off. It’s an openness, with room to push your aesthetic. But wearing something unique always takes guts, so respect everyone you pass who is doing something different with their look.”

Camera: Nikon F50

Film: 35mm Kodak UltraMax

Favourite autumn outfit: Dee’s @deevanwel (image 8), in full autumnal colours.

Favourite autumn trend: The scarves are coming out, and leg warmers are very in. Brown leather and other autumnal colours mixed with enough layers to stay cosy! 

Felix’s tips for street photography: Find your spot. Consider who you want to capture and acknowledge? Make sure you have a reliable camera, comfortable shoes and a good amount of self-confidence. Sometimes you’re going to be rejected, not everyone wants their photo taken.

To see more of Felix’s work, check out his Instagram @felixrjack.

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